The Social Blueprint (“SB”) Toolkit is a resource developed and supported by Impact Strategy Advisors.  Derived from the knowledge accumulated through our practice, we created these tools in an effort to help build and advance the blended field of value driven business.  Each tool addresses the nuances of building operating companies, programs and investment funds in the new purpose economy. Through our Creative Commons license education and non-profits are granted permission to share and utilize these tools with appropriate attribution.  See footer of this page for more detail.


February 2015:

We have updated or added new Social Blueprint Tools.  Some of these are still in beta stage, but all have been piloted through our various client or industry partners.

  • Updated Impact Canvas
  • New Business Design Framework
  • New Social Lean Curriculum Approach
  • New Impact Nomenclature Map
  • Link to IMPACT DNA Assessment

Social Blueprint Impact Canvas:

Social Blueprint Impact Optimization Quad:

Social Blueprint Business Profile Framework:

Social Lean Curriculum Approach

Impact Nomenclature Map

Social Blueprint Startup Executive Summary:

Social Blueprint Business Plan Presentation Outline:

Social Blueprint Impact DNA:

Social Blueprint Fund Manager Executive Summary:

Social Blueprint Impact Judge Notepad:


If you have questions or ideas about additional tools needed in the space, please email us:

Creative Commons License The Social Blueprint Toolkit and underlying tools, documents, frameworks, data and graphics, by Jorge M. Calderon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License